
Um blogue de ensaio e erro sobre Economia.


Pop Chula


Padre Friedman: What Every American Wants

I do not know whether the tax cuts will or will not stimulate the economy in the short run. They put money in the pockets of taxpayers to spend; but simultaneously they take money out of the pockets of the investors who buy the government securities that finance the tax cut, money which would otherwise presumably have been spent on private investment projects. The net effect on total spending could go either way.
Whatever may be that outcome, a major tax cut will be a step toward the smaller government that I believe most citizens of the U.S. want.

Realmente, que interessa o que tu queres? O que interessa mesmo é o que tu acreditas que a maioria dos cidadãos dos Estados Unidos quer!

Comparem com o estilo tendencioso mas informativo de Paul Krugman. Ele só fala por uma pessoa.