
Um blogue de ensaio e erro sobre Economia.


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Voting rights

Este assunto interessa-me bastante. Qual será o papel dos accionistas num futuro próximo? Cada vez mais as grandes empresas parecem estados emergentes.

Big US companies are apparently upset by demands that their shareholders should be given a greater say in picking who serves on corporate boards. The Business Roundtable, a blue-chip lobbying group, has urged the Securities and Exchange Commission to resist proposals for a rule change that would allow shareholders' nominees for directorships to appear on proxy ballot papers. The idea, they say, would "substantially disrupt corporate affairs", result in significant extra costs and deter qualified individuals from seeking a place on a company's board.
This corporate outrage at the latest attempt to introduce more accountability into US boardrooms has a nice touch of Louis XIV about it. Who on earth do these shareholders think they are? Before we can say "executive benefits", they will start behaving as though they own the company.

Texto engraçado, não? Até a Economia pode ter piada.