Socially Responsible Investing
"Socially responsible investing" (SRI) is a method of investing that is best known for screening stocks for their social or environmental characteristics, as opposed to their financial performance. Thus, an SRI investor can avoid buying – and supporting – companies that are felt to harm whatever social values held dear by the investor. Or, the investor can get rid of those already owned – a process known as divesting. Much less known is another SRI strategy called "shareholder advocacy" or "shareholder activism." This strategy involves leveraging equity in a company to influence its social behavior. An SRI investor may own many shares, or buy only a nominal amount just to be able to introduce shareholder resolutions aimed at changing a company's social or environmental policies and actions.
A third SRI strategy is community investing, in which often lower-than-market returns are offered to make funds available to help the "poorest of the poor" in areas such as affordable housing, small business, and community development. This segment of SRI is relatively minuscule.
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Li recentemente numa entrevista a Milton Friedman, no Finantial Times, algo do género: sempre que o objectivo duma empresa não é maximizar o lucro, estamos a caminhar para o Socialismo. Esta posição de Friedman não é nova. Eu não penso que seja bem assim, mas de qualquer forma, aqui não há grandes alternativas. Estes comunas são os donos da empresa. E os direitos de propriedade são para respeitar.
Enfim, de repente fiquei com muito para ler.
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