
Um blogue de ensaio e erro sobre Economia.


Pop Chula


Morre, valor estatístico da Vida, morre.

Podem esquecer tudo o que disse acerca do valor da vida humana. Um economista calculou este valor! Agora tudo será mais fácil.

[*] "About ten years ago, Kip Viscusi surveyed all published studies of the monetary value of a life, many of them done by himself and his co-workers, and calculated the average - which, adjusted for inflation, reached $6.1 million by 1999. There are several technical problems with "Viscusi's number", as well as its obvious ethical and philosophical failures. But the $6.1 million number appeared, and was treated as an established fact, in a recent U.S. EPA cost-benefit analysis of arsenic standards for drinking water. Based in part on that analysis, EPA set the standard at more than three times the technologically feasible minimum level. With the higher standard, more people will die of arsenic-related cancers, but at $6.1 million apiece, they (we) just weren't worth saving."

Acredito que Viscusi não pense que o seu resultado está "certo", nem que possa ser "usado" fora do mundo académico, mas pelos vistos há quem pense.